is just a small sample of the ATV items
in which are available.
Call me for additional parts
812-944-1643 |
(Pictured is standard 5")
Used when fitting tracks to space wheels out for
track clearance. Extends wheel out 5".
These new old stock NOS wheel extensions were
built years ago by the old ATTEX company, When
they are sold out they are gone! These were built
for OFF ROAD USE only.
These extensions come with automotive grade proper
lug nuts, not cheap flat nuts.
argo, hustler, max, amphicat, serra trail boss, scrambler,
coot, camel, jiger, starcraft, terra tiger, cushman trackster,
chapparal, rim, swamp fox, Attex,argo, atv,Hustler, Max,
Amphicat, Sierra Trail Boss, Scrambler, Jiger, Starcraft,
Terra Tiger, 6x6, 8x8, 6 wheeler, 8 wheeler, MaxII, Max
II, Max2, Max 2 many names.. |